“Never Have I Ever” is a classic drinking game that’s perfect for breaking the ice, spurring conversations, and revealing fun facts about your friends. Whether you’re at a party, a cozy gathering, or just hanging out, this game guarantees laughs, surprises, and, of course, a few sips. Here’s your ultimate guide to playing “Never Have I Ever.”


The goal of the game is simple: players take turns making statements about experiences they have never had. If someone else in the group has had that experience, they take a sip of their drink. The game continues with each participant revealing more about themselves and enjoying the revelatory and often humorous moments that unfold.

Setting Up:

  1. Gather Your Group: “Never Have I Ever” is best played with a group of friends who are comfortable sharing anecdotes and enjoying a drink or two.
  2. Get Your Drinks: Make sure everyone has their beverage of choice. The beauty of this game is its adaptability – whether you’re sipping wine, beer, or a non-alcoholic option, the fun remains the same.
  3. Decide on a Signal: Establish a signal for taking a drink, whether it’s a sip of your beverage or a designated hand gesture. Consistency is key to keeping the game flowing smoothly.

How to Play:

  1. First Player: The game typically begins with one person volunteering to go first. They start by saying, “Never have I ever…” followed by something they have never done.
    • Example: “Never have I ever traveled outside of my home country.”
  2. Responses: Everyone who has traveled outside of their home country takes a sip of their drink. Players are encouraged to share additional details or stories about their experiences if they choose.
  3. Next Player: The person to the left or right of the first player then makes their statement. The game continues in a circle.
  4. Variations: To keep things interesting, players can add variations like “double sips” for particularly surprising statements or introduce a rule that requires the person making the statement to take a drink if no one else has had that experience.

Tips for a Great Game:

  1. Be Honest, but Respectful: The essence of the game lies in honesty and vulnerability. Encourage open sharing but ensure that everyone feels comfortable and respected.
  2. Mind the Intensity: While “Never Have I Ever” is meant to be lighthearted, it’s essential to be mindful of the group dynamic. Avoid statements that might make someone uncomfortable or touch on sensitive topics.
  3. Mix It Up: The best rounds of “Never Have I Ever” involve a mix of humorous, surprising, and even slightly embarrassing statements. Feel free to get creative with your prompts.
  4. Enjoy the Revelations: The beauty of this game is discovering unexpected things about your friends. Embrace the laughter and the camaraderie that comes with the revelations.

“Never Have I Ever” is a timeless drinking game that adds a playful twist to any social gathering. As you delve into the revelations and share in the laughter, you’ll find that this simple game has a remarkable ability to bring people closer together. So, gather your friends, grab your drinks, and get ready for an evening of fun, surprises, and memorable moments. Cheers to the game that turns “I’ve never” into “I have, and let me tell you all about it!”

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